Bringing You a New Walk of Life

Diabetic Shoes
Diabetic shoes are specially designed shoes, intended to reduce the risk of skin breakdown in diabetics with pre-existing foot disease. We offer top of the line shoes from Dr. Comfort, Apex and Anodyne.

Custom AFO Braces
The Moore Balance Brace™ is the only brace clinically proven to reduce postural sway and increase postural stability. It is a custom-made AFO designed to reduce the risk and incidence of falls in the elderly and high risk populations.

Durable Medical Equipment Providers
We partner with Durable Medical Equipment providers to help provide diabetic shoes and custom AFO bracing to patients at home and inside nursing facilities.
About Us
At Oklahoma Pedorthic Lab, we have over 20 years of experience in providing patients across Oklahoma and Texas with solutions to their diabetic foot needs. We provide shoes and custom inserts from the leading manufactures in diabetic footwear. We use the latest in 3D technology to perform scans on patient’s feet in order to provide a custom insert that is perfect for their feet.

What We Offer
Getting an accurate diagnosis can be one of the most impactful experiences that you can have.
Oklahoma Pedorthic Lab
109 W. Maple St.
Fairfax, OK 74637
Phone: (918) 306-1549
Fax: (918) 642-3690
Email: [email protected]